I am a baker at heart! For years I made my family's sandwich bread and loved it. Having my little girl has drawn me away to other tasks, but I am slowly beginning to regain moments of my time. Breadbaking is a wonderful artform. I enjoy each step. From the smell of the growing yeast to the feel of the dough as I knead it back and forth. It brings my mind peace and quiet. I will share my new discoveries with you as I duck back into my baking apron!
Learning how to bake beautiful and wonderful bread is one of my years goals. Baguettes, Ciabattas, Sourdough, the list goes on. This recipe is going to be more of a how-to recipe since it is not an original recipe that I have come up with. I actually, for once, followed this recipe line by line. It was perfect as is! And I am thrilled with the ease of it and my success. Did you know that English Muffins do not get baked in the oven! They cook exactly like a pancake. It's a very interesting proccess... let me take you through it.
1 Cup Milk
3 TBSP Butter
2 TBSP Honey
1 Cup warm water
2 tsp yeast
5 1/2 cups Whole Wheat Flour
1 tsp salt
1/4 cup Cornmeal
In a saucepan combine the milk, butter, and honey. As the butter melts and the milk is steaming, but not boiling, whisk together for a few seconds. Set aside to cool to luke warm. Mix the water and yeast in a seperate bowl and let sit for 5 minutes to disolve the yeast.
Pour the cooled milk mixture into the yeast mixture. Mix in 3 cups of flour and mix until smooth. This can be done with a mixer or just with a wooden spoon. Mix in the remaining flour with the salt added into that until dough is no longer sticky. Pour out onto a floured surface and knead for 3-4 minutes. Let stand for 5 minutes. Cover a sheet of parchment with cornmeal.
Roll this dough out into a 1/2 inch thickness.
Using a glass or mason jar, cut sections out of the dough and place them on the cornmeal. Cover and let raise for 35-45 minutes or until rounds have doubled in volume.
This is where you would cook each rounds as you would a pancake. 8 minutes on each side.
I began in a cast iron skillet.
Quickly realizing that continuing with this pan would take me over an hour, I swiched to my electric griddle. Both had the same fantastic result!
Hello my Pretties!!!
Fork split perfection!